“It’s Not Always About the Tree” by SF Benson

This Christmas season, I’ve decided to do something a little different. I’ve invited 24 authors to share some of their favorite things about the holidays. I hope you enjoy the 24 days of Christmas countdown with “These are a few of my Favorite Things.” Enjoy! ~Casey Hays




“It’s Not Always About the Tree”

chrlie-brown-treeI have two memories that stand out. The first one is the year my husband and I decided not to go home for the holiday. We were newly married and living in Atlanta. Because we hadn’t intended to stay in town we purchased everything at the last minute—our meal, decorations, and even a Charlie Brown-sized tree. We swore it would be the last time we celebrated Christmas away from family. At the time, we had no idea that spending it with our loved ones in Michigan wouldn’t always be possible.

After a few years, we added animals and a daughter to our lives. We attempted to go back to Michigan for Christmas each year, but that became expensive and too hectic. One of the best memories I have is the family gathered in the living room of the home we were buying. We had a large tree and so many presents under it. The dogs walked around looking for their gifts and our daughter was busy playing. It was the first year I had gone all out, but it wasn’t the number of presents or even the dinner that made my day. It was watching the look on my daughter’s face and how happy the three of us were.

Time has passed and we haven’t always had a tree or even gifts. But what has never changed is the fact that the three of us are together. My daughter now helps prepare dinner for the holidays which is a great joy.

I know the year is coming when we’ll be back to just the two of us. So, I cherish these years that our daughter is able to be with us and isn’t distracted by obligations to a basketball team or a special someone in her life.

This Christmas I can be very thankful that I’ve accomplished my dream of being a published author with not one book but two books and three short stories included in anthologies.

sfSF Benson, a Michigan native, resides in Georgia with her husband and daughter. She has always wanted to be a writer, but she’s had a variety of positions ‘feeding’ her creative brain. SF is an avid bookworm who appreciates a well-written book regardless of genre. She writes stories that explore ‘what if’. Her stories tend to feature strong, diverse protagonists in dystopian, science fiction or paranormal worlds.
For more information, visit her site at: http://authorsfbenson.com/

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Release is coming January 2017!
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